
Naturalisation: no changes to 5 year term requirement

Today, October 3, 2018 Dutch Senate has voted against changing residence term requirement for naturalisation from 5 to 7 years.
For the past 2 years this issue has been discussed in the government, House of Representatives (Tweede kamer) has voted in favor of the change, but during the Senate vote this was overruled with the majority winning by 1 (one) vote only.


IND: Decision on family members within 2 weeks now

It is not unusual for family members of highly skilled migrants to come to the Netherlands later than the highly skilled migrant. In order to make this run smoothly, there is the so-called application for a journey in connection with family reunification for the recognised sponsors. The decision period for this procedure is now officially 2 weeks. The 2-week decision period only applies if the following 3 requirements have been met:

  1. Application is submitted by the employer;
  2. Employee pays the fee by direct debit;
  3. The application is complete.

If the application has not been submitted by a recognised sponsor and / or if the fee has not been paid by direct debit, the decision period for the application remains 3 months. If the application submitted by the recognized sponsor is not complete, the 2-week period for making a decision will not apply until the IND has received the missing documents.


Choosing the right payroll company

There are so many different companies offering all kinds of services and packages. All with small or large differences, something they tell you straight away, but some unpleasant surprises are kept for later.

So when choosing your partner for payroll, keep in mind the following hints:


IamExpat Fair in Amsterdam / March 25

If you're new to the expat lifestyle, eager to know more about careers and education - you should visit the IamExpat fair in Amsterdam. The location is great (Westergaasfabriek in Amsterdam), the entrance is free, so why not visit?

We won't have a booth there this year, but we'll walk the grounds, so if you want to meet us there - drop us a line.


2017: Salary amounts announced by IND

Minimum knowledge migrant salary for 2017 has been announced:

The income requirement only involves the wage amount that is set out in the contract expressed in money. Holiday allowance does not count towards the income requirement.

Highly skilled migrants 30 years or older

  • € 4,324 gross per month

Highly skilled migrants younger than 30 years

  • € 3,170 gross per month

Highly skilled migrants following an orientation year for highly educated persons having graduated, having completed a doctoral programme or scientific research*

  • € 2,272 gross per month

* the lower amount for highly skilled migrant applies to you when you meet the conditions for the granting of a residence permit 'looking for a job after study, promotion or research'. This means that the lower amount does not apply anymore once you have had a residence permit to look for a job and you did not apply for a residence permit highly skilled migrant immediately following the search year.